what is the official name for the thing you swat back and forth in badminton?

what is the official name for the thing you swat back and forth in badminton?

Natalie Frank has a Ph.D. in Clinical psychology. She specializes in Pediatric Psychology and Behavioral Medicine.

At the kickoff of the book 1984, these words are presented as the official motto of the nation of Oceania:

State of war is Peace

Freedom is Slavery

Ignorance is Force

— George Orwell, 1984

These slogans were created by an entity known only as "The Party," which consist of those in charge of the country. The words are written in enormous letters on the white pyramid of the Ministry of Truth, which because that they are obvious contradictions, seems to be an odd place to put them.

The fact that this motto is written on a government edifice for a department called the Ministry of Truth suggests that the writer is trying to convey that these statements are somehow true for the club he has constructed. These are but the first in a series of contradiction written throughout the book and they serve to represent the nature of the society and how it is held together through the way in which these opposites function.

Orwell opened his book in this fashion on purpose in order to introduce the reader to the concept of Doublethink, which is what allows the people of Oceania to alive with abiding contradictions in their lives. Doublethink is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in i'southward mind simultaneously.

The Party develops this ability in information technology'southward citizens by undermining their individuality, independence and autonomy and by creating an environment of constant fear through propaganda. In this way, the Party breaks down their ability to recall rationally and makes citizens take and believe anything they tell them, even if information technology is entirely illogical.

The book is filled with like contradictions like the ones seen in the opening quote. For example:

  • The Ministry building of Peace oversees war
  • The Ministry of Love carries out the torture of political prisoners and serve equally the police of Oceania
  • The Ministry building of Truth is in charge of changing the content in history books and in the news to agree with the Party's behavior

These contradictions keeps the citizens constantly off balance, so they are never sure of themselves or each other and must rely on the political party for guidance as to how to live their lives.

The fact that the national motto of Oceania is simply as contradictory equally these other examples emphasizes the success of the Party's entrada of psychological mind control. The government has go able to maintain the apparent veracity of these opposing statements because the functions they serve which make them a reality in the gild of Oceania.

What Is the Pregnant of "War Is Peace" in 1984?

The first slogan is probably the well-nigh contradictory of the three. The people of Oceania believe that the saying State of war is Peace means that in order to have peace 1 must tolerate the horrors of war. It does not equate the two equally the statement might otherwise advise. The people fully believe that war is bad and peace is good.

All the same, as in real life, the people have come to the agreement that sometimes one must make terrible sacrifices in order to have a peaceful nation. The war does not take place on the soil of Oceania only instead, somewhere far from it so they don't see the horrors of the battle, the destruction, the wounded and dead in front of them. They only hear about it through the daily announcements made past the Party.

While this contradiction may seem like a logical reality at first, it becomes less so when the reader realizes that there is really no war occurring at all. It is a fabricated upward fiction created by the Political party just to keep the people in line. It is intended to go along their attention focused elsewhere, so that they practise not realize how the Party is controlling their every thought and action.

The motto War is Peace indicates how having a shared enemy unites the people of Oceania and helps them remain on a common course. It gives them something to worry well-nigh external to the way the country is being run, that is happening somewhere else. It helps to forestall them from becoming consciously aware of the obvious problems in their ain society. This mentality, put in place for the benefit of the Party, gives the people someone other than the government to blame for their problems, making them easier to dominion.

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A state of constant state of war demonstrates that people are sacrificing for the greater expert of the society, pledging their effort and money to the war, and devoting themselves to their state and government. From the Political party's point of view, all of this is skilful in that the more people that invest in and commit to their nation and regime, the fewer problems they will perceive.

This saying focuses the people's attention, preventing them from being consciously aware of the obvious bug in their own guild, where they are being actively manipulated and controlled. If people observe themselves having thoughts counter to accepted government rhetoric, they can apace distract themselves by thinking nigh the war and worrying over the possibility of attack.

What Is the Significant of "Freedom is Slavery" in 1984?

The 2nd motto, Freedom is Slavery, represents the bulletin that the party imparts to the community that anyone who become independent of society's control is bound to exist unsuccessful. A guild that is based on free will outcome in anarchy and the devolvement of the gild. Since the slogan is commutative, if freedom is slavery and so slavery is freedom. Here, the Political party communicates the bulletin that those who are willing to subjugate themselves to the collective will or the will of the society which by definition is the will of the Political party, will be freed from danger and wanting what they can't accept. Society defines what is good, what is acceptable, what is desirable. Those who focus on those things and on fulfilling the will of the gild volition be complimentary from despair and will lack zip, at least nix that society, or the Party, condones.

The Party embodies the thought of a paternalistic structure for those who live in Oceania. Hence, the thought of the Authorities surveilling information technology's citizens being presented under the guise of "Large Blood brother." Adherence to the ideals and rules are ensured past this private, who is presented equally a family unit fellow member and who is supposed to only have the all-time interests of the people in listen.

In order to survive in this society, the citizens must ignore the clear reality that Big Brother is certainly not a family member showing business concern, only is rather the authorities spying on everything the citizens practice in club to control them. The Party fifty-fifty interprets facial gestures and nonverbal communication and the people can be tortured as political prisoners considering of beliefs interpreted equally subversive.

The obvious contradiction hither is that it is simply past enslaving yourself to the government and whatever they condone that you are complimentary from harm and imprisonment. Freedom in Oceania means the freedom to do and think what the Party wants without diffusive from their rules and regulations.

What Is the Meaning of "Ignorance is Forcefulness" in 1984?

There is also the need for the citizens to subvert their volition and their awareness to accept the contradictions the government puts forth. They are expected to bury the truth and accept irrationality such as is demonstrated in the 3 statements. Ignorance is therefore strength as it is the willing ignorance of the people who ignore obvious contradictions. They neglect to investigate such inconsistencies as a not-existent war with an ever changing enemy.

Information technology is this ignorance that maintains the power of the government and the seeming coherence of the the society. It is only through ignorance that people can find the force to live in a totalitarian society where the government oppresses them even while communicating to them how fortunate they are.

Members of the Party participating in "hate week."

Members of the Party participating in "detest calendar week."

What Are the Themes in 1984?

When first reading these three slogans, virtually people scratch their heads wondering how conflicts that can arise from equating two opposites. But the idea of contradiction is ane of the main themes of the novel. In particular, specific themes include:

  • A shifting definition of freedom and enslavement
  • The nature of trust and true loyalty
  • What reality is and how it is affected by appearances

All of these themes are contradictory, nonetheless they power the plot of the novel.

Shifting Definitions of Freedom and Enslavement

One idea presented in Orwell's book is expressed in the saying:

"Accented power corrupts absolutely."

The regime has grown to become omnipotent, writing its own version of reality past irresolute the content of history books, and making the people also fearful to think critically.

The Political party is so powerful that when it says 2+2=5, the people accept this and come up to mindlessly believe information technology. When the Party declares that Oceania is at state of war with Eurasia, they distribute heaps of propaganda and edit records so that the people take that this is how it is and has e'er been. When the government then says Oceania is at war with Eastasia and has always been at war with them, the people allow their reality to be changed and accept this as truthful. Not simply that, but they accept that Eurasia has always been their ally.

Even then, the people practise not perceive whatever of these contradictions as a type of enslavement. They willingly let the Political party tell them what to remember, what to believe, what to value, and how to act. They allow the government to alter these ideals whenever they cull, assertive the new propaganda as fact and repressing the previous reality.

The people must exist aware on some level that they are accepting articulate opposites, reversals of what is presented as fact, and revisions of history. Yet they have come to accept this as a small price to pay for safety from their assigned, feared enemy.

Information technology is about every bit if the regime sometimes changes reality simply because they can. There is no need to change a fictional enemy, as the entire war is made upwards anyway. Creating a new contradiction for the people seems sometimes to exist done just because the Party is able to do so, and because it keeps the population on its toes. The government has not only come up to rule completely, but has reached a point where it takes pleasure in enslaving people so they do, say, and believe whatever their master tells them.

The nature of the relationship between the Party and its citizens is very much like slavery. The people must serve the authorities, and whatever attempt to "escape" with independent thought is brutally punished. The people are valued but insomuch equally they benefit the government.

In 1984, Winston, the protagonist, and Julia, his lover, secretly effort to escape from the mind command of the regime in a room they rent above Mr. Charington's shop. They believe the old-fashioned room has no telescreen, a device through which the Inner Political party surveils the population.

But in fact the room does have a telescreen subconscious behind a painting, and Mr. Charington is actually a fellow member of the thought police. The notion of freedom cannot be maintained as Winston and Julia are attempting to define information technology. They cannot be gratuitous merely because they remove themselves from their normal environment and go to a dissimilar room. There is no escape.

As the book comes to a close, Winston'south idea of freedom has changed. He no longer has a sense of individual self, he has, in essence, go selfless, a part of the greater guild. Now, he is not only compliant with the Party'southward dictates, just he wants to be compliant. He loves Large Brother and has no difficulty rejoicing when he hears well-nigh a tactical victory in Africa. The author then states that he slips back into a blissful dream where he perceives himself to have a soul as white every bit snow every bit he confesses and reports more people to the thought law.

The novel ends by maxim that the long hoped for bullet entered Winston's brain. This does not mean he actually died, but that the independently-minded Winston, whose thought of freedom was freedom from Big Blood brother and the dictates of the Party, died. This suggests that Winston was willing to give up all that he had fought for and take being subservient, controlled, and manipulated.

In today's circuitous world, information technology can sometimes feel every bit if having others take responsibility for making decisions for us would exist freeing. We wouldn't have to struggle with dissimilar options or accept the consequences of bad decisions and situations we can't control. For different people, different degrees of autonomy, responsibility, and consequences contribute to the way freedom is defined. Some may experience free when they take more than control over their life, even if it ways they have more responsibility. For others, the stress of responsibleness hampers their sense of freedom.

More choices may be construed every bit liberty, while numerous options may paralyze. Thus, freedom may be perceived in different ways past dissimilar people. Every bit we see with Winston and Julia, this is even true in the dystopia of 1984.

Trust, Loyalty, and Betrayal

The twisted nature of trust, loyalty, and betrayal is a recurring theme in the novel 1984. Winston is betrayed by Mr. Charrington, O'Brien, and Julia. He also betrays Julia as well equally himself. Withal the novel explores the nature of trust and how information technology plays into loyalty and betrayal. Without trust, at that place tin be no loyalty or betrayal, and trust is almost not-real in the novel. The characters can never know if they are being observed, either in person or through the telescreen.

It is also impossible to know who is a member of the thought constabulary, and even those who are not role of the idea constabulary often beguile others by turning them in. On multiple occasions those closest to 1 other–such as spouses, siblings, parents, and their children–may betray each other. Yet this is what is expected of the members of this social club. Citizens report one another with zeal.

Prior to their arrest and torture, Winston and Julia believe the only true betrayal is the betrayal of the heart, as this is the only kind of betrayal they have control over. They learn that they actually have no control over this type of betrayal either, as in the end they have no pick but to beguile each other and themselves. What establishes their loyalty to each other is trust in something exterior of the Party and Large Brother, merely this idea is eventually broken.

They aren't traitors, though, until the Party makes them traitors through torture, when they confess to betraying the entire society and are forced to further betray anyone toward whom they may feel loyalty. The Party seeks to eliminate potential betrayal at the root by getting rid of all trust and loyalty.

So, the contradiction exists whereby trust and loyalty to other citizens is deemed bad, while trust and loyalty to the Party is deemed good. Moreover, betrayal of the Party is accounted bad, while betrayal of others is deemed good. The irony is that when all loyalty toward other citizens is destroyed, no true loyalty toward the Party can be either. Still, loyalty based on fear and manipulation is satisfactory to the Party.

Winston believes that despite knowing they volition turn against each other and tell the Party what they desire to hear about each other'southward sins, as long as they go along to love 1 another this will not be betrayal. This is an idealistic and naive viewpoint, since he conspicuously tells Julia that, once they are captured, in that location will be nothing they tin do for each other.

Truthfully, they tin remain loyal to the other past not giving upward information. Just neither of them consider this an choice. When you cannot put another over yourself, or stop yourself from proverb something that could impairment the other, true or not, not only can in that location exist no trust and thus no loyalty, in that location can be no beloved.

The Advent of Reality vs. True Reality

In the novel, O'Brien tries to teach Winston about the nature of reality under the Party through torture, manipulation, and fearfulness. Winston attempts to hold onto his belief that at that place is a true reality that cannot be controlled by the Party, especially in relation to the past, which is fixed and a part of people's memories. O'Brien points out that the Party controls all documents as well as people's thoughts, so the Party truly can control the past.

This absolute command leads to the assertion that whomever controls the past controls the future, and whomever controls the present controls the past. O'Brien is arguing that the Political party'due south version of the by is what people believe, and what people believe is truth even if information technology has no ground in truthful reality. This is related to the Party slogans in several ways.

O'Brien wants Winston to allow get and allow himself to be torn down so he can be reconstructed as a denizen that is loyal to the Party. This ties into the reversal of the traditional thought of freedom and enslavement, as it is just in allowing oneself to become enslaved by the Party, past fully accepting it and its ideals, that one can get rid of the stress and strain involved in fighting against information technology.

Once 1 accepts the Party, they no longer accept to worry about what to call up, how to act, or what to do with their lives. It is all washed for them, and they are free from the burden of cocky-decision. By waging war against self-determination 1 tin can discover peace. The easiest way to practise this is through ignorance, which provides a person with the ability to accept anything the Political party wants them to believe. This allows them to be a model citizen, and in this world, that is a forcefulness.

Final Thoughts

In today'southward globe we all also often neglect to find that we are allowing ourselves to be enslaved too. Sometimes this is due to propaganda and the lack of alternative information that is easy to obtain. Other times it may be do to shear laziness and the failure to seek the truth or to let ourselves realize that we are contributing to our own slavery such equally when we turn over personal information online without thinking twice.

We register brief outrage when learning of the regime's intrusion into our private lives such as with hidden wires that permit them to access our mobile conversations and data. But we only as quickly let information technology become without demanding redress, with the excuse that we can't practise anything about it or that that the company in question must bargain with information technology. Nosotros let regime officials alter reality with simulated facts and imitation news and again give lip service to our anger and disbelief but allow them to remain in office saying that is what politicians do and nosotros have to have the bad with the good.

In other words. we are letting those who lead, those in power, define our reality, at least in part. This is done through whatever means will assistance them retain power as opposed to what is in our best interests. We accept propaganda that reverses itself similar to the state of war propaganda in 1984. For instance, whether Libya is our staunchest enemy or marry has depended on if there was benefit to one vs. the other at the time.

We can accept that a nation is our friends ane 24-hour interval and our enemy the adjacent, largely by assuasive ourselves to remain ignorant. We fail to larn everything we can near the situation, instead, simply assertive the position the authorities tells united states to believe. We allow ourselves to be led to wage war on what we know to be reality that is based on manipulated collective memories of events.

This may seem like peace since we don't accept to work to undercover the truth of situations, but it is taking the like shooting fish in a barrel mode out and allowing others to define our past, present and future. The only style to observe true freedom, peace and strength is to refuse to blindly accept whatever we are told just to keep things uncomplicated and non-confrontational.

We need to come up to the conclusion that it is time to wage state of war on such automatic acceptance of manipulated reality. Nosotros can take a stance and follow our words with actions, demanding at that place be consequences for those who try to feed the public lies dressed up as alternating facts or who rewrite history co-ordinate to their ain all-time interests. This is ultimately what will lead to true forcefulness, the abandonment of ignorance and ultimately freedom and peace.

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What Are the Four Ministries in 1984?

Ministries in 1984 are the departments of the government that maintain the status quo. Each of the ministries has a different responsibility. The four ministries and their functions are as follows.

Ministry Office

Ministry of Truth

Alters official documents to reverberate the artificial reality dictated by Big Blood brother. Distributes propaganda, controls the flow of new information, and alters documents from the past to make them align with the present.

Ministry building of Love

Enforces the rules of the regime by carrying out surveillance of Oceania'south citizens. Employs the thought law to spy on and capture potential offenders. Carries out the imprisonment and torture of political prisoners.

Ministry of Peace

Carries out all matters of war, including the creation of armies and the creation of weapons.

Ministry of Plenty

Carries out the product of goods similar food, wear, appliances, and equipment.

What Is Facecrime in 1984?

Facecrime in 1984 is committed when a citizen of the Political party reveals that they are committing thoughtcrime through the expression on their face. It may also exist something that indicates abnormality such as a nervous tic, a wait of anxiety, muttering to oneself, for example. Anything that suggests someone has something to hide.

Facecrime can be detected using telescreens, a citizen spy, or a fellow member of the idea police.

What Is Thoughtcrime in 1984?

Thoughtcrime in 1984 is committed when a citizen of the Party thinks "deviant" thoughts, which would include any thoughts that have to do with individuality or freedom. A citizen can exist charged with thoughtcrime for simply thinking about thoughtcrime.

Thoughtcrime is detected with telescreens installed throughout Oceania that have both microphones and cameras. Thoughtcrime can too be detected by the inflection of 1'southward voice or the micro-expressions of their face (called facecrime). Members of the idea constabulary, an organization inside the Ministry building of Dear, or a citizen spy may grab someone committing thought crime which leads to the individuals arrest and interrogation.

What Is Doublethink in 1984?

Doublethink in 1984 occurs when a person knows that something is not true, but believes information technology to exist truthful anyway. 1 example of the citizens of Oceania using doublethink is if Big Brother were to say that 2+2 equals five. While mathematical fact says that 2+2 equals 4, through the use of doublethink, 2+two can equal v.

Doublethink is a fact of life in Oceania, and must be used everyday in order to survive. The all-time citizens in George Orwell's dystopian universe are those who have mastered the art of doublethink.

What Is Duckspeak in 1984?

Duckspeak in 1984 occurs when someone speaks without thinking, like a quacking duck. In Oceania, maxim that somebody is using duckspeak tin can exist interpreted equally either good or "ungood" depending on who is speaking and what they are saying.

If a denizen is saying something in line with the parties ideals so it is skilful. If they are carelessly saying something against the Party doctrine and then it is "ungood" and results in their arrest and interrogations.

What Does it Mean to Be Vaporized in 1984?

To be vaporized in 1984 is to be captured by the thought police force for a crime and eliminated. Beingness vaporized means you non but cease to exist, but have never existed. In one case you lot have been vaporized by the Ministry of Love, the Ministry of Truth goes to work removing every trace of your existence.

Often, those who are vaporized are not fifty-fifty told of their crimes. Instead, they are simply abducted i 24-hour interval, taken to the Ministry of Truth, tortured until they admit to some wrongdoing, asked to implicate others, and vaporized. The cycle continues endlessly, and keeps citizens vigilant when it comes to enforcing Big Blood brother'due south rules and ideologies.

In one scene from the book, Winston, is his job at the Ministry building of Truth, has to edit an article from the by about a man who was recently vaporized. Since he is now considered an unperson, Winston fills the hole left by this man by creating an entirely fictional character, a decorated state of war hero. Other departments in the Ministry building of Truth go to work making a confront for the man, taking pictures of him in professional studios that make information technology look like he is in some far away, state of war-torn land. In one case this work is finished, the existent human is gone, replaced by a fictional 1.

What Is an Unperson in 1984?

An unperson in 1984 is a person who has been vaporized and no longer exists (and has never existed). This is the term the Inner Party uses to refer to those they have had removed from gild through vaporization.

A large part of Winston's chore at the Ministry of Truth is to make full the gaps in history that are left in the wake of unpersons.

Questions & Answers

Question: Is the argument, "State of war is Peace" a paradox or an oxymoron? Also, what are some examples of paradoxes and oxymorons in literature?

Answer: Many people confuse oxymorons and paradoxes. Both can be recognized in everyday conversation equally well as in literature. Even so, they are not the same thing and have unlike purposes.

A paradox is a statement or grouping of statements that may on the surface appear to embody contradictions or seen absurd but upon further reflection be seen every bit true or at least as something that makes sense. They are opposite to what nosotros ordinarily believe and tin can brand us think about things in different ways or more deeply. They, therefore, are ofttimes employed equally literary devices. An oxymoron is comprised of two opposing or contradictory words that are used for dramatic effect.

War is peace seems like a contradiction and an absurd one at that. War is the most brutal act we can bear out against each other. It is far from peaceful. Sometimes war is necessary to ensure that peace can occur.

Consider the state of affairs where a country is constantly launching missiles at some other state, going on stealth raids or other types of limited attacks that may exist months apart and each a single occurrence but which nevertheless consequence in the loss of life, property, the constant fear or some other set on that causes the population to have to change the way they alive to protect themselves from damage and terror when the attacks occur.

This is non a land of peace. So to stop all this, the country being attacked launches a war against the other nation to render information technology incommunicable for them to go on the attacks both materially and based on the conditions of either a cease-burn down or final agreement. The country that had been previously attacked wins the war following which they at present have peace and are complimentary from fearfulness of further attack.

In Animal Farm, besides past George Orwell, in that location is a primal rule gear up forth for all the animals. Part of it states:

"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others."

This statement seems like it is impossible. First of all, equal is equal; it's an absolute without a related quantity. Y'all tin't have something that is more than equal or less equal. And then then, if all the animals are equal, yous can't take some that are more equal. This would imply that some are either better, have more than ability, have more than of a right to brand decisions or deserve more than resources than others. Again this would non suggest equality.

But in the novel, the authorities has never treated everyone every bit even while stating that everyone is equal. Information technology is akin to the dissever simply equal doctrine that once justified systems of segregation and the dual instruction system in the south. It was determined that as long equally black children were provided with equal facilities as white children, segregation didn't go against the Constitution. Just these separate schools were anything merely equal.

In another, example, In Shakespeare's Hamlet, Hamlet states, "I have to be cruel to be kind." Again being vicious and being kind are considered to be opposite and mutually exclusive such that an activeness that is cruel cannot be kind and vice versa. We typically don't see someone who is roughshod to us equally a kind person.

In this instance, Village is speaking most his mother, and his intention to impale Claudius, his Uncle. Information technology will be a tragedy for his mother, who is Claudius's wife, but Hamlet thinks that killing his father's murderer will ultimately be the best matter for this mother. So in the greater scheme of things, while it may seem vicious initially, Hamlet feels that the kindness he is doing is far greater.

In another Shakespeare work, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, it says,

"The earth that's nature'due south mother is her tomb;

What is her burying grave, that is Rainbow in her womb…"

The lines are at once describing the nascence, with the earth being the birthplace, and decease with the same earth housing Juliet'due south tomb. The 2d life, juxtaposes the idea of a grave, once again alluding to death, with a womb, which is associated with nativity.

In the poem, My Eye Leaps Up When I Behold by William Wordsworth, is the line:

"The kid is father of the man…"

This line seems reversed for it should be the homo who is the father of the child. But thinking about it more advisedly, information technology can be seen that babyhood and everything that happens during this phase sets the stage for what comes after. And so childhood is the basis for adulthood and thus, childhood "fathers" the man or adulthood.

There are numerous examples of an oxymoron in literature, just probably the most obvious one is from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet:

Why, then, O brawling dearest! O loving hate!

O annihilation, of nada starting time create!

O heavy lightness! Serious vanity!

Mis-shapen anarchy of well-seeming forms!

Feather of atomic number 82, vivid fume, cold burn, sick health!

Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is!

This honey feel I, that feel no love in this.

Romeo learns he has fallen in love with an unavailable woman and feels as if he has descended into chaos. All his hopes and dreams have been shattered. Shakespeare portrays this sense of discord through the utilise of opposites that don't make sense much the aforementioned as Romeo's life no longer makes sense to him. This is communicated through phrases such as loving hate, heavy lightness, serious vanity, plumage of atomic number 82, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health, waking sleep.

© 2018 Natalie Frank

CommonCents on October eighteen, 2019:

Natalie said: "Given everything that is going on in the earth today and our current President in the U.S. I think so many of the things Orwell wrote about have already come to pass in our society. "

Well Natalie, you are clearly drinking the INGSOC Party Kool-Aid if yous think the current president represents the worst of 1984... the previous president (Obama) and his party come across 1984 as their bible.

Daniel on May 28, 2019:

Hilarious that both 1984 and Brave New World predicted the future. Even more hilarious that us proles are still allowed to read them as a token freedom of "and what are you going to exercise about it?".

Natalie Frank (writer) from Chicago, IL on September 15, 2018:

No, y'all have that reversed, jnjerrynelson. The Inner Party rules Oceania, making up 2% of the population. They are the ones that have the power and brand the decisions for the guild. The outer party is essentially the middle grade and composed of the more than educated members of society. They are largely responsible for implementation of the Party'south policies (though this is actually carried out through spying and reporting on each other often aimed at gaining a fleck more than condom from being arrested) but they have no say in anything. They accept strict rules applied to them. The proles are the lower class and have the aforementioned rules practical to them they just have less resources and lower level jobs. The inner party is the government.

jnjerrynelson on September 12, 2018:

Hi Natalie - I read the nifty 1984 many years ago and recall about information technology all the time these days. I'm non sure that this is an original idea, but I've always thought that people missed the point almost 1984 in that information technology is non about the evils of Government, and so much every bit it is about the the Inner Party. The Regime, represented by the Outer Party, is simply a tool that the Inner Political party uses to maintain command and implement its agenda. The Inner Political party is the real enemy, not the Authorities per se. The Outer Party is just a ways to an terminate. Right?

Derek on September 07, 2018:

Really,1984 is Non pessimistic-everyone ignores the Appendix,which is clearly written-in Oldspeak-after the novel's events.It begins-''Newspeak WAS (my italics)the official language of Oceania'',and later-about a slogan-''it was believed with a fervour it is incommunicable for the states to empathize today''-implying the Political party has been overthrown.As well,don't forget the idea that maybe Julia really was an amanuensis of the Thought Police,with her access to quality tobacco,chocolate,etc.

Natalie Frank (writer) from Chicago, IL on September 04, 2018:

Naum, Thank you for interest and your annotate. I concur with you that the war is real from the standpoint of the people of Oceania. I hope I made that clear in the commodity. The point I was making every bit since from the standpoint of the authorities the war is made upwardly and the people already believe in it, what does it affair who the enemy is? It causes the authorities added to work to suddenly change the enemy - they have to then ensure all of the people are on the aforementioned page, make announcements, change all sorts of documents and all the textbooks every time they do this.

And so information technology would seem in the governments best interests since the war is always somewhere far away with the people only having a vague idea where so they'll never to nearly and observe out the whole thing is a lie, to keep the enemy the same. It would serve the same purpose of unifying the people and make them willing to sacrifice resources, freedom, privacy etc. on behalf of the war effort.

My stance is that the reason they modify what is already a fictional enemy - meaning that while Eurasia and Eastasia, exist Oceania isn't at war with either - is for the purpose of doublethink, control and power. The government wants to become the people engaging in doublethink as much equally possible so it is automatic. This is the main source of power for Ingsoc.

It likewise means the regime can tell them blue is ruby-red and upward is down then immediately say no, ruddy is green and downwards is sideways and the people will have no problem switching from the starting time prepare of illogical statements to the second, fully believing each in turn. This makes them easy to control as they stop thinking for themselves, and let Ingsoc do all the thinking and decision making for them.

This allows the government to remain in complete control, to accept all the power and different from most real life situations, they don't take to worry that the people will overthrow them - it takes a thinking population to first see things differently from the way they are told to believe and practise what it takes to carry out a defection.

Thanks again for reading the commodity and taking the fourth dimension to comment. I hope you return to take a look at some of my other articles.

Natalie Frank (author) from Chicago, IL on August 30, 2018:

Pekka - You are right to indicate out that obviously NATO has never engaged in preemptive war. This was added past an editor and I have removed information technology as appropriate. Thanks for the heads upwardly.

Naum Shuv on August 29, 2018:

Thank you for this extremely interesting commodity.

However, I cannot agree with one of your statements. Just one.

"There is no need to change a fictional enemy, as the entire war is made upward anyway."

In my opinion, the war in the novel is absolutely real. I mean, it is artifical, of course, but it is not fictional. Unfortunately, state of war is existent in our life too, and loss of dozens or fifty-fifty hundreds human lives is of no importance for politicians.

Pekka (Finland) on Baronial 23, 2018:

Where did you lot go the idea of NATO engaging into a preemptive war?

Natalie Frank (author) from Chicago, IL on August 21, 2018:

The more I look into it, the more similarities I encounter between what Orwell predicted and warned u.s. about and the society nosotros live in today. It really is an amazing parallel in a lot of means. Thanks for reading and for commenting, Linda.

Natalie Frank (author) from Chicago, IL on August 05, 2018:

Dora - I'thou glad you found the article interesting and relevant. Given everything that is going on in the world today and our current President in the U.S. I recall then many of the things Orwell wrote well-nigh accept already come to pass in our lodge. Cheers for reading and commenting.

Natalie Frank (author) from Chicago, IL on August 05, 2018:

Howdy Doris - You are and so right about what you said. We may non call it doublethink simply that'southward non to say we don't practice it a whole lot. Nosotros read 1984 and can't imagine living in such a globe but fail to see that many of the things he warned us about have come true in spades. Just the fact we are accepting the idea of false news and culling facts, perhaps giving lip service to being outraged only at the same time we are letting leaders stay in power who are actually admitting to doing this besides as responsible for coining the terms in the commencement identify. I'm sure what you saw in Russian federation was even worse every bit these things are certainly not limited to our country and take been going on elsewhere a lot longer. But seeing it really develop under our noises with our awareness and ultimate acceptance or at least refusal to exercise anything is frightening and frustrating. Cheers for stopping by and for the comment. I am just finishing another commodity on other similarities betwixt our world and 1984 - I hope you lot'll check back for it and take a look once it's published. I'll look forward to your response.

Doris James MizBejabbers from Beautiful S on July 09, 2018:

I agree with your assay on 1984. Good chore! I read this book back in the nighttime ages when I was a college pupil and found information technology so frightening that I idea it as well ridiculous to even consider the possibility that it could come true. Today, I'm non and so certain, and that is what actually concerns me. Political correctness trying to rewrite history, continuing to endeavor to keep a whole surface area of our population on a guilt trip (the South) while totally ignoring the warts on the rest of the country, focusing on the wealthy while calling the poor "parasites" are just a few of today's attempts at Doublethink. Something to retrieve almost.

I like Tom's' comment mainly because I spent 2 weeks in the Soviet Union in the late 80s. Although I enjoyed traveling through a couple of major Russian cities, I could not await to get back home to my own country, the land of the free and the home of the dauntless. HA!

Natalie Frank (writer) from Chicago, IL on July 08, 2018:

I'm glad you lot establish the article on the mark, Tom. Yep I'one thousand sure the thought of limited freedom hither and in Eastern Europe is quite different. We forget what we have and more than importantly I think we sometimes forget to protect what we have. Thanks for the comment and for stopping by.

Tom S on July 06, 2018:

Excellent, to the point, and very well explained so even I can understand information technology. Begs an clan to electric current events in America. The Democratic Political party comes to listen.

This is even more applicable to me since I grew up in socialism/communism in Eastern Europe. Until you know what living under express liberty ways you do not know freedom.

Dora Weithers from The Caribbean on May 07, 2018:

I like your modern day awarding in your conclusion. Thank you for the review. I read this book years agone. You encourage me to reread.

Doris James MizBejabbers from Cute S on May 04, 2018:

Excellent analysis of Orwell'southward 1984. I read the volume during my sophomore yr of college in the 1960s, and it has stuck with me all these years enough to see a parallel with today'due south propaganda being spoon fed to us through both professional and social media. Information technology doesn't matter whether we are losing elections allegedly due to fake news sourced from Russian hacking or whether Southerners are being fed a constant barrage that they are bad people because of something their ancestors did over 150 years ago. The consequence is still the same, and it stems from the aforementioned premise of listen control equally was evident in the dystopian novel. But every bit in 1984, people are accepting this course of listen-control as truth and allowing it to stir up hate for each other. In today's society, equally was and then, at that place seems to be a preponderance of the absenteeism of love.

Linda Crampton from British Columbia, Canada on May 03, 2018:

This is a very interesting and thought-provoking analysis, Natalie. 1984 is an impressive volume that contains some fascinating ideas. I enjoy reading people'southward thoughts about the story and its implications for today.

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