tell how fast you swing a badminton raquet

tell how fast you swing a badminton raquet

This consummate guide to badminton volition be helpful for the sportspersons who wait for details and will also be a proficient read for common readers.

Practise you lot know anything nigh ' battledore'?

The earlier proper name of the badminton racquet was battledore. And people called the early form of badminton every bit 'battledore and shuttlecock.' Merely it'southward not a recent story and the history dates back to ancient Greece and Egypt.

In the 18th century, people in Republic of india played the game and called it 'Poona' after the name of the town 'Pune'. The people in Pune played the game and considering of its popularity, it got the name 'Pune'. Furthermore, they formed the rules in 1873.

Progress in the 19th century

The British army officers stationed in Republic of india took the game dorsum to England. When it gained its success at a party given by Duke of Beaufort in 1873 at his manor chosen "Badminton" in Gloucestershire, the name became a popular one.

And then, the Badminton Clan of England published the rules and launched the sport officially at a house 'Dunbar' in Portsmouth on 13th September 1893.

Subsequently, England, Wales, Canada, Denmark, Scotland, Republic of ireland, Netherlands, France, and  New Zealand formed the International Badminton Federation in 1934. The name is Badminton Globe Federation, the BWF now.

However, Asian nations like People's republic of china, India, Malaysia, and Southward Korea take gained supremacy over their European counterparts, and China remains the superpower in this sport.

Yous would similar to read well-nigh SQUASH, played with similar racquet!

The Badminton Court

Image Source: world wide
  • The length of the court is 13.4 meters both for singles and doubles. And the net divides the courtroom into two equal parts.
  • The width is vi.i meters for doubles and v.1 meters for singles.
  • Doubles long service line is 76cm from the baseline at both ends of the court.
  • The short service line measures ane.98 meters from the net and the long service line measures 3.88 meters from information technology.
  • The lines are easily visible and are in yellow or in white colors.
  • The line-markings are 40 mm in width.
  • The shuttle examination markings measure out 530 mm & 950 mm from the baseline and are at any of the right service parts of the court.
  • The net post measures 1.55m in elevation from the ground and the location is on the double sidelines.
  • The thickness of the mesh in the net is 15mm to 20mm.
  • The cyberspace measures 760 mm in depth and 6.1 yard in width.
  • The top of the net is at 1.524m from the surface at the midpoint of the court.

Rules of Badminton

Either two players or four players play the game.

The players play the official matches indoors with the proper court dimensions.

The shuttlecock must hit within the measured surface area in the opponent's court to score a indicate.

In case of the shuttlecock touching the internet or falling outside the opponent'due south area the opponent gets the bespeak.

The game starts after the service and the players are costless to move anywhere and tin can pick the shuttlecock from outside the playing expanse

The deliberate distraction of the opponent, getting the shuttlecock in the racquet or hitting twice and the continuous interference with the laws of the game atomic number 82 to calling information technology 'mistake' by the umpire.

The game has a referee who sits on a high chair and monitors the game. Moreover, the line judges watch the 'landing in' or 'landing out' of the shuttlecock.

The game has the first rest catamenia of 90 seconds after the commencement game and too the second rest period of 5 minutes later the 2d game.

The lucifer referee holds the power to forfeit the ready or even the match from a player who defaults continuously.

Serving Rules of badminton

badminton player set to serve

The shuttlecock should pass over the short service line of the opponent when the thespian does the service. Otherwise, information technology is a fault.

At the start, the players stand in diagonally contrary service courts and when the server hits the shuttlecock, it should land in the receiver'southward service court.

The server must hit past keeping the racquet below the waistline and besides with the racquet shaft pointing upwards.

The players should stand inside their service courts, and the shuttlecock should not bounce.

When the service side loses the rally, the opponent volition get the turn to serve.

In singles, the server stands at the correct service court when the score is even and at the left service court when the score is odd.

In doubles, the aforementioned player continues the service if he/she wins the rally but will modify the service court to ensure serving the different opponent each fourth dimension.

If the opponent wins, the thespian in the right service court starts to serve when the score is even. The thespian in the left service court does it when the score is odd.

The position of the player at the showtime of the previous rally determines the player'southward service court and where the players stand at the end of the rally doesn't count. It ensures service by the new player who didn't serve concluding fourth dimension when each time a side regains the service.

Scoring Rules of badminton

Each game consists of 21 points. The players score the bespeak whenever they win a rally and who served doesn't matter. Moreover, the all-time of the three games determines the match.

At 20-all, the player who first gets the two points lead wins. In the case of 29 – all, the match reaches the golden betoken, and the player who scores this point wins the lucifer, and there is no demand for two points lead.

To decide which side to serve get-go, they cast the shuttlecock, and the side towards which the shuttlecock is pointing gets the opportunity.

Players employ a money as a toss to decide the first server and as well decide the side of the court to start the play.

The winner of the previous game starts the service in the subsequent game. The odd/fifty-fifty rules assist to make up one's mind the side of the court, and if the score is odd, the server will start from the left court.

The same person serves once more even after winning a rally, and the service does not alternate with the partners. It changes only when the opponent wins the rally.


'Allow' comes into play during the unexpected interruption of the game.

The shuttlecock landing on a courtroom or landing on an overhead rail are some situations that warrant the calling of 'let.' The receiver is non ready during the service of the delivery is some other situation that needs the telephone call for 'let.'

Moreover, the umpires stop the rally during allow and the play resumes with no alteration in the points.

Badminton Equipments

Racquets used in badminton

The summit quality racquets measure light in weight and weigh betwixt lxx and 95 gms excluding grips and strings.

Many materials like carbon fiber composite, steel, aluminum or wood are in utilize in making of racquets.

Carbon fiber exhibits good forcefulness to weight ratio and is useful in the transfer of kinetic free energy. Before, to go on it light aluminum was in use to make the racquets. Likewise, people also used forest one time.

Nowadays some carbon allotropes like carbon nanotubes and fullerene are in use which ensures loftier durability.

How to cull a badminton racquet

The thespian's ability and the level at which he/she currently plays are the prime factors to choose the badminton racquet and the racquets are available in diverse weights.

Moreover, the weight of the racquet, the residual point, string tension, and handgrip are the four things to consider in choosing the right badminton racquet.

1. Weight of the racket

The alphabet "U" denotes the weight of the racquet. A skilful badminton racquet weighs between 80g to 100g, and the small number represents the heavier one, as shown beneath.

  • 4U: lxxx-84g
  • 3U: 85-89g
  • 2U: 90-94g
  • 1U: 95-100g

The beginners generally use '3U' which is low-cal and is like shooting fish in a barrel to command and the actor gets quick stroking speeds and recovery. As well serving and irresolute the strokes quickly, are easy with lighter racquets and the lightweight reduces the chances of injury to wrists and shoulders.

However, players apply heavier racquet for singles to get stability. In doubles, they prefer lighter racquets to become more speed and quick reactions.

two. Remainder of the racquet

The weight of the racquet and where information technology is located more influences the game very much and depending on the balance, in that location are three types of racquets are bachelor.

The thespian has to choose from whatsoever of the caput heavy, headlights and even residue racquets.

Caput-Heavy Balance Badminton Rackets

The players who play powerful games from the dorsum of the court choose the head heavy balance racquet equally it aids in the clears and smashes with the extra mass in the head of the racquet.

Caput-Low-cal Residue Badminton Rackets

The weight is more than at the handle than at the caput and it helps in like shooting fish in a barrel swing and quick reactions. Moreover, this racquet is more than suitable for club players who play doubles and for the players who play attacking doubles. Information technology is as well suitable for a singles player with the right techniques and swing speed.

Even Remainder Badminton Rackets

Information technology combines the advantages of both the racquets and provides enough power from the dorsum and enough command at the forepart. Information technology is useful for the players who are non certain about their position in the front or in the back and want to play anywhere. As it helps in many scenarios, it is also suitable for advanced players who play singles or doubles.


The choice of the string depends on the player and his/her ability to play the game.

There are ii types of materials available for strings. When 1 is natural guts material. the other i is the synthetic material.

Natural guts give more power and command and are good to play with. Only it is more than expensive and less durable than synthetic material.

Judge numbers are used to indicate the thickness of the strings and ii standards: American guess and International gauge are in use.

Thin strings generate more ability and more spin and give more comfort. But the strings have less durability and more tension loss.

Thicker strings generate less ability and less spin and the durability is loftier.

Sugariness Spot

The 'sweet spot' on the racquet is the surface area that gives more power and speed. However, the area of the sweet spot depends on the cord tension.

When the string tension increased, the sugariness spot decreases and the high tension of the string is not suitable for the beginners every bit they often miss-hit the shuttle and miss the sweet spot.

Depression tension of the string increases the sugariness spot which gives more than control for the beginners. As the mishits also damage the racquet, the low tension of the cord is a good option for beginners and casual players.

The high tension of the cord is suitable for seasoned players who could hitting the shuttle at will using the right area of the racquet.

Playing with different shuttle affects the functioning of the racquet.

Choosing the right cord and tension has no fixed parameters and depends on the thespian and the style of play.

However, the range of tension widely in apply is given below.

  • Beginner:        18-20lbs
  • Coincidental:            20-23lbs
  • Regular Club:  24-25lbs
  • Advanced:      26 lbs and above

Past what the players opt for i.e. ability, control or immovability, many popular brands are bachelor in the market.


The shuttlecock fabricated of feathers is widely in utilise and synthetic shuttlecocks are also in apply. Insufficiently, the synthetic nylon cloth has a longer life than the feather blazon.

In choosing the shuttlecock, the shuttle speed is an important cistron to consider. In deciding the shuttle speed many factors like temperature, distance, and humidity play an important role.

The speed of the shuttle increases in hot weather. Likewise, it decreases in cold weather.

In college altitudes speed of the shuttle increases and in lower altitude, information technology decreases.

Shuttlecocks with different shuttle speeds are bachelor and are usually denoted by numbers which range from 75 to 79. Inside the range, the number 75 denotes low speed and 79 denotes the highest speed.

Badminton Shoes

Badminton is a very dynamic game that demands a lot of lateral movements. So, shoes with thick soles are non suitable for badminton. However, shoes with thin soles lower the centre of gravity and reduce the risk of injuries.

The marking of a good badminton shoe is aiding maximum in functioning. And preventing players from injuries is also the office of quality shoes.

Traction and grip, cushioning and lightweight are basic essential qualities of the skillful badminton shoe.

The players have to decide the shoes in accordance with the courtroom they play.

Badminton Attire

Badminton is a fast-paced game that needs a lot of power and quick movements. As well, the equipment, accessories, and dresses used should give comfort to the thespian to play his natural game.

Every dress reflects a sense of manner and personality type. In choosing the wearing apparel, personal way and comfort are the prime factors that would boost the spirit of the actor.

However, the sportswear should not hinder the free movements of the thespian like the movements of elbow, hands, underarms, hips, and knees.

Shirts :

Shirts made of low-cal materials are the choice of near of the players as they feel sweaty with polyester materials during the play. The cotton shirts are very low-cal and cheap.

Shorts :

The shorts should not fit tight on the body and hinders the movement. It can't be big in size either and information technology should be the perfect fit which aids easy movements.

Skirts :

The combined wearing of skirts and shorts, which is called as 'Skorts' work well with female person players. Most women players opt for information technology all over the earth every bit it gives the desired expect and comfort.

Socks :

Socks should support the player and should exist thick plenty to handle the foot while playing. Thin socks that provide the right back up are preferable and socks with wetness protection and odor command are also available.


Sweat running from the wrists loosens the grip and which from the forehead hinders the vision of the eyes for a few seconds. Good quality sweatbands forestall the thespian from this discomfort.

Women'south Shirts:

Wearing the correct women's dress gives more comfort and motility than wearing shirts meant for men. Women'due south dress is gender-specific and gives the desired comfort and ease in movements.

Badminton Techniques

Starting with the right techniques is the get-go step in the life of a professional person actor. Correcting the bad techniques learned is really difficult and learning the correct ones from the starting time will pave the way to succeed equally a player.


The shuttlecock flies with great speed and to play it effectively with complete control, forth with the correct grip and hitting techniques, the right footwork is the indispensable thing.

Random footwork will result in failure. But the effective and organized footwork will requite the right speed and infinite to counter every hit.

Staying in the base signal as far as possible is the correct technique to meet all the return shots. The player has to movement to the center point, after every movement abroad from the redpoint.

The well-nigh advised footwork to follow

  • To move to the back of the court – take but 2 -3 steps.
  • Motility to the sides of the court – stretch only one pace.
  • To the front of the court – take only ii-3 steps.

Getting the steps right won't work at the offset. Past practise, a player can perfect the techniques.

Keeping the next hand wide open up while playing with the other ane gives a good balance.


badminton grip

You have to hold the racquet as you concur your friend's mitt during a handshake.

Hold your thumb as pressing on a wider surface of the racquet while the residuum of your mitt is in handshaking position.

There is no need to grip the racquet with full forcefulness, just the wrist should be flexible to get accurate and powerful hits.

Thumb, alphabetize finger and the middle finger help to hold and control the racquet and the rest two fingers hold the grip comfortably. It helps in the flexible movement of the wrist which farther helps in producing powerful hits.

There are two grips, the forehand grip, and the backhand grip.

Forehand Grip

In a forehand grip, y'all should hold the racket as do in handshaking, while keeping the face of the racket perpendicular to the flooring. At that place should be "Five' shape gap between your thumb and the alphabetize finger while holding the racquet.

Belongings the racquet loosely for greater flexibility and shortening your grip as per the shot y'all select are brash.

Backhand Grip

To go the backhand grip right, concur the racquet as in forehand grip and rotate it in the anticlockwise direction. At present the 'V' shape volition move towards left.

Now concur the racquet by placing your thumb on the back bevel of the handle.

The term 'Grip' also refers to the material used in the handle area. Safe grip and towel grip are the nearly used types.

By exercise switching between the two grips become easy and the players find changing the grips is an effortless voluntary activity.


The swinging action of the racquet is called a stroke and the perfect execution of the strokes distinguishes a pro from the novice.

Overhead forehand stroke, Overhead backhand stroke, Underarm forehand stroke, and Underarm backhand stroke are the basic strokes in badminton and all strokes are based on the techniques used in the execution of these basic strokes.

Overhead Badminton Forehand Stroke

how to grip in badminton forhand stroke

The mutual, nearly often used stroke in badminton which generates more ability is the overhead badminton stroke.

The power comes from the correct technique not from the strength the actor use. The trend to exert more power results in the incorrect technique and the wrong execution of the stroke.

Starting time with the attacking stance and with the forehand grip.

While aiming, you should stand sideways. Move your arm with the racquet backward and with it stretch your chest as wide as possible. Lift your other arm accordingly which helps in balancing the trunk.

When you are about to play the stroke, stretch the no racquet arm. Once the no racquet arm is straightened, swing the racquet frontwards. Information technology should be a full swing to get more power.

Don't end the swing once y'all striking the shuttle and make a follow through with the swing.

Overhead Badminton Backhand Stroke

Many people play this stroke as they do in squash and tennis. Simply playing from the sideways is wrong as you receive shuttlecock over your head.

First, hold the racquet in a backhand position. Turn towards the back of the court and agree the racquet in the raised position and proceed it close to your body. Don't hold information technology tight as keeping information technology lightly gives flexibility to your wrist.

At the time of execution, your body would face the back of the court and the shot should be in one complete swing with follow through and without stopping at the time of hitting the shuttle.

Underarm forehand stroke

When you take to pick the shuttlecock earlier you and from a lower position, the underarm forehand stroke comes into play. Generating power is not a tough ane every bit you would experience in backhand techniques.

Motility forward to pick the shuttlecock and land your dominant leg earlier. Proceed the forehand grip and practice a gentle pic with your wrist.

To maintain the torso balance, bend your body slightly and as well let the follow-through of the racquet.

Underarm backhand stroke

You have to play this shot when your opponent hits a drop shot at your backhand surface area.

Generating power is piece of cake and the combination of gentle underarm swing and the gentle wrist moving-picture show is enough to execute the shot.


Knowing how to serve properly is important as improper service either results in fault or your opponent hitting a smash. There are two methods of badminton serve and are high badminton serve and depression badminton serve.

High badminton serve

When you want to identify the shuttle at the deep dorsum end of the courtroom, you have to serve the high badminton serve. Information technology prevents the opponent from trying instant nail and the return would be a lob or a driblet.

In this service, endeavor to place the shuttlecock at your opponent'south backhand area which would weaken the return.

Low badminton serve

When you desire the shuttle to be placed in the front of the courtroom, you would use the depression badminton serve.

The shuttle lands in front of your opponent and it should fly just in a higher place the cyberspace. Giving whatever further space would issue in a heavy render smash and loss of point.

The well-executed depression serve doesn't give any chance to the opponent to make a smash and information technology can drop anywhere in front end of the opponent.

Opinion in badminton

How you stand up when receiving sure hits from the opponent is known as stance and in that location are three types of badminton stances in practice.

They are attacking opinion, defensive opinion, and internet stance.

Attacking Stance

In attacking stance,

The player turns his body to face the sides of the court by placing the leg and the hand with racquet behind and the adjacent leg forward. The legs should be at the shoulder width gap while both artillery in the raised position.

You have to adopt this pose to face up the shuttle comes from loftier up level.

Defensive Stance

In defensive stance

The player faces the front of the court and keeps the racquet at the waist level. The racquet is placed in front of the player which points slightly upwards. For better balance, the non-racquet arm is kept in a raised position.

Cyberspace Stance

In net stance

The player stands past placing his racquet foot forwards and the non-racquet foot at the back. The racquet is at the front side at a level slightly above the waist. Furthermore, the other arm should exist raised to give the body balance and the bodyweight should be in a slightly forrad position to pounce forward at whatsoever instance.

Basic Badminton shots

Knowing the basic shots in badminton is the side by side logical pace afterwards knowing the basics of badminton and learning the basic shots and practicing the shots are enough to push yous frontward and win rallies at the beginning.

Lobbing or clear, drop shots, smash and netplay are the basic shots and every player should master each shot from the beginning.

Lobbing or Clear

In a singles game, the clear is the vital shot that comes in handy to the player and he/she uses information technology more than than whatever other shot.

The high defensive articulate should reach the opponent'due south baseline and won't give the opponent the user-friendly bending to play the smash shot.

If the shuttlecock doesn't attain the proper superlative, the opponent could intercept information technology easily and the return could not be dedicated hands.

In that location are iv types of shots in clear. They are

Overhead forehand articulate

Overhead backhand clear

Underarm forehand articulate

Underarm backhand clear

Drop shots

The drib shot is played from the rear court where the shuttlecock flies steeply and country in the opponent'southward forecourt.

Image Source:

The fast drop shot and the boring drop shot are the two types of drop shots.

The expert fast driblet shot places the shuttle at the service line or slightly after it while the proficient wearisome drop shot places the shuttlecock before the service line.

The driblet shot disrupts the opponent and leads to alter the footwork. Furthermore, it is as well used deceptively when the opponent expects a nail or clear shot.

The fast and slow drop shots can be executed using overhead forehand drop shot and overhead backhand drop shot. Moreover, the slice drop shot is played by seasoned players.


Smash is the fast executed offensive shot which is hit from the rear of the court and in this shot, the shuttle flies down to the opponent's courtroom.

Image Source: world wide

To sum up, meeting the shuttle at acme, moving fast to choice the shuttle, total swing of the racquet, residuum of the trunk and the right follow-through are the essential parts of the right nail shot.


Netplay is the badminton shot where you play along with the net with your opponent and information technology needs good practice equally the execution needs good perfection.

The tumbling net shot, the internet kill, and the net lift are the types of netplay.

In the tumbling net shot, you hit the shuttle very close to the internet and force the opponent to go for a loftier lift. Moreover, the tumbling shot itself can exist the earning shot if you lot play it correct.

The net kill is a fast boom when the opponent gives a weak return.

The net lift is a defensive shot and it helps you to salve your play when the opponent is strong along the net area. In this shot, you lot elevator the shuttle and places it to the back of the opponent's court.

How to play badminton

Badminton, when played professionally, need high energy and great physical coordination

1) Aim and hit the center ever

Striking the middle of the shuttle gives more power and control over the shot you play and regular exercise volition assist the player to hit right at the middle every time.

2) Fly the shuttle at the peak of its arc

Hitting the shuttle at the top of its arc gives y'all more command over the position of the shuttle and allows you lot to hitting killer overhead shots. However, to hitting information technology correct, yous have to selection the shuttle at right heights and you shouldn't wait for the shuttle to accomplish y'all.

3) Exist at the middle of the court

Firstly, you should move swiftly after every shot to occupy the middle of the backcourt.

It gives you the advantage of being in the right position to hit the shots and to receive the returns from your opponents. It likewise makes it difficult for your opponent to make you run effectually the court.

iv) Aim the backline always

Striking the shuttle to the back end makes your opponent struggle a petty to return information technology and he/she has to motion backward and has to apply forcefulness. If there is infinite at the backcourt, hit there is advisable but with a petty caution. On the other mitt, you would make a fault by crossing the boundary line.

five) Acquire perfect short serve

Short serves have the deceiving potential to make your opponent delay his movements in the court. Practice making your brusk serve perfect so that information technology lands in the correct identify which also makes your opponent difficult to accomplish in time. Just it should not land on your side of the courtroom to lose points.

half-dozen) Learn the long serve

Hitting the long service and flying the shuttle to the back of the court would disturb the rhythm of your opponent. In singles, moreover, the right long serve helps to make the opponent motility to all the places in his court and it volition proceeds you the upper hand which helps in winning the match.

7) Get your footwork right

You have to practice with your footwork to get in right and to make information technology comes easy at the right moment. Notwithstanding, there are lots of exercises there, to brand your legs stronger and to get the most required agility. Choice the right ones which are suitable for you and experience playing the game with the right techniques.

8) Analyze your opponent

In that location are a lot of playing techniques just every individual adopts his own style. Earlier the start of the play, you should analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your opponent. He might be skillful at boom but might be weak in backhand shots and his footwork might not be right in playing certain shots. The complete analysis helps in making the smarter shots.

9) Keep your opponent on the move

Vary your shot every fourth dimension and make the prediction difficult for your opponent. Play the long serve followed by a netplay. Hit to the right followed by the striking to the left. Also keeping your opponent on the move gains you the upper hand and will help you to earn more points.

10) Aim the opponent's backhand

The statistics of the game reveals that most of the players are weak in the backhand shots. So, try to exploit this for your advantage past repeatedly striking shots to the backhand expanse of your opponent and probe his/her strength.

eleven) Use Netplay effectively

When you are almost the internet and if your opponent is at the backline, it is the right time to try the curt shot well-nigh the net. Doing a light pic on either side is a good tactic when your opponent expects a short shot from you. Otherwise, the opponent would make y'all run to your backline.

12) Don't striking information technology straight back

Don't return your opponent with directly hits and especially in shots with quick momentum, irresolute the management of your return volition make your opponent off guard.

13) Dictate the opponent with your shots

Brand the opponent to play the shots to the area convenient to you. For instance, if you want to play almost the net, throw short serves and net play and don't allow the opponent to hit to the backline.

14) Use advanced techniques

Slice your cyberspace shots and driblet shots, spin the shuttle and change the direction abruptly. Moreover, hitting smash shots brand the opponent's choice difficult and hitting the blast with a jump is not piece of cake to pick and give the return.

Fettle in badminton

Fitness in badminton is a vital thing that not only helps to suffer a long period of play simply to improve oneself as a player with continuously improving fitness levels.

Speed and agility aid the player to come out as a successful badminton pro. Moreover, the histrion has to move, stretch, bend, run, jump, and reach the shuttle with not bad speed. and all these activities demand a very loftier level of fitness.

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Badminton World Federation and other Organizations

The Badminton World Federation governs the sport of badminton and it is an international organisation. International Olympic Commission too recognized it.

In 1934 Canada, England, Denmark, Ireland, France, Netherlands, New Zealand, Scotland and Wales as fellow member countries formed International Badminton Federation.

Now in that location are 176 member countries. On 24 September 2006, it was renamed as Badminton World Federation at the Extraordinary General Coming together in Madrid and the caput office is located in Kuala Lumpur.

Badminton Asia Confederation, Badminton Europe, Badminton Pan Am, Badminton Confederation of Africa and Badminton Oceania are the regional governing bodies with which BWF works in cooperation to develop the sport around the earth.


The Olympic Games in cooperation with International Olympic Committee, World Championships, World Junior Championships, Para-Badminton World Championships, Thomas Cup, Uber Cup, Sudirman Cup, and Globe Senior Championships are the Class-1 level tournaments.

Form-2 tournaments take place in 6 levels with dissimilar world ranking points awarded. We popularly call information technology a BWF world tour.

They are BWF World Tour Finals, BWF Earth Bout Super 1000, BWF Earth Bout Super 750, BWF World Tour Super 500, BWF World Tour Super 300 and BWF Tour Super 100

Form iii tournaments take place in three levels with different world ranking points awarded. Professionals telephone call it Continental Circuit.

They are

  • International Challenge
  • International Series
  • Futurity Series

Badminton terminology

Attacking clear − An offensive shot that shoots the shuttlecock deep into the opponent'southward court.

Backcourt − The 1-third area of the court in the back before the boundary lines on either side of the cyberspace.

Backhand − The stroke in which shuttlecock returns to the left of a right-handed player and vice versa.

Base position − It's the center of the court where a singles histrion tends to return after each shot during the play.

Baseline − It's the boundary at the breadth of the court.

Carry − An illegal shot where the shuttle gets stuck for a while in the wires before getting released.

Drive − A fast shot where the shuttle flies straight over the net and close to information technology.

Driblet shot − It'south a rapid drop of the shuttle close to the net in the opponent's court.

Feint A pretension shot as well called "balk". It disturbs the rhythm of the opponent before or during the serve.

Flick − It'south a quick rotation of the wrist-and-forearm which changes the form of a soft shot into a fast 1.

Forecourt − It's the area betwixt the cyberspace and the short service line and is the front one-3rd of the one-half-court on both sides of the net.

Game − When a player or team scores plenty points to win a single contest, it'south a game.

Hairpin cyberspace shot − Information technology'due south a shot where the player lifts the shuttlecock from falling very close to the net. It drops sharply when the player sends dorsum to the other side of the net. The trajectory of the racket is in the hairpin shape.

The half-courtroom shot − A low shot to the midcourt and players use it in the doubles game.

High clear − A deep shot by a defending player to the opponent's court.

Impale − A very stiff and fast shot that gives no take a chance for the return.

Permit − It's a hazard that allows the players to replay the rally.

Long Service Line − Information technology'south the purlieus line at the latitude in case of singles. In doubles, it is 2.5m inside the singles line and the server should not become past this line.

Match − It's a series of a game at which a player becomes the winner at the end.

Midcourt − It'south the i 3rd middle part of the court betwixt the net and the back boundary line on either side of the cyberspace.

Net shot − It's a shot high from the forecourt close to the net. Information technology flings the shuttlecock over the cyberspace and drops it sharply.

Passing shot − The shot which passes the shuttlecock to the opposing player or team.

Push shot − Information technology's a slight wrist move that gently shoots the shuttlecock.

Service court − It'south the area into which a service must exist delivered.

Short service line − It's the line at a distance of 1.98 meters from the net in service courts.

Singles sideline − It's the side boundary of a singles court.

Smash − The hard-hitting overhead shot which pushes the shuttlecock very fast into the opponent'southward court.

Wood shot − A shot which bounces from the frame of a noise.

Short Serve − Information technology's the service where the shuttlecock barely clears the net and lands close to the service line. Players use information technology by and large in doubles.

Long Serve − Information technology's the service in which the shuttlecock reaches far and deep into the courtroom.

Famous players in badminton

Lee Chong Wei

Lee Chong Wei - famous badminton player

Lee is a world-famous badminton role player from Malaysia.

He got the number one rank in the world equally a singles player from August 2008 – June 2012.

The badminton supremo holds the record as the only Malaysian Player to retain the world ranking for more a year.

In the Olympics, he won vi argent medals and he is the sixth player from Malaysia to win the Olympic Medal.

He also played Basketball game in his childhood and then got into badminton to get a pro.

Moreover, he is i of the best players from Malaysia in the final 10 years.

Chen Long

Chen Long - famous badminton player

He is a world-level player from Cathay and has a name Junior Little Dan or Footling Dan.

In 2007 he won the junior title.

To sum upwards his feats, he defeated the top-ranked player Lee Chong in the 2016 Olympics and emerged equally a new champion in the singles.

He is a ii-time earth and all England champion

Lin Dan

Lin Dan - famous badminton player

He is a Chinese histrion born on Oct 24, 1983.

He won Olympic medals two times, world championship v times and all England title six times.

At the age of 28, he accomplished "Super Grand Slam" status by winning all the 9 major titles in the Badminton globe.

He also won the Olympic gold medal in 2008 and retained it in 2012.

His fans and media call him 'Super Dan'.

Viktor Axelsen

Viktor Axelsen - famous badminton player

Victor was born on iv Jan 1994 in Odense in Denmark.

He started to play when he was six years former in Odense badminton club and began his career by winning boys singles championship in 2009 German junior.

Victor Axelsen crush Kang Ji-Wook of Korea to become the 2010 Earth Inferior Champion and he was the first-ever European player to agree the title.

Won the European crown in May 2016 by chirapsia compatriot and defending champion January O. Jorgensen in the final.

Afterward, in 2017 he became the BWF world champion past chirapsia Lin Dan in straight sets.

January O Jorgensen

Jan O Jorgensen - famous badminton player

He was born on Dec 31, 1987 in Aalborg in Denmark.

Jan won the European Title in 2014.

In the European Badminton Championships, during the twelvemonth 2008 and in 2008 he won the statuary medal.

Jorgensen won the Danish Champion Championship in 2012 and 2013 and he won it over again in 2015. Furthermore, he got the runner up in the 2009 China Open Super Serial.

He won Denmark Open up in 2010 and the French Open in 2013. He also won Indonesia Open in 2014 and the invitational Copenhagen Masters in 2009, 2011 and 2012.

In 2014, he won Indonesia Open up and became the offset European male singles role player to win information technology.

Carolina Marin

Carolina Marin - famous badminton player

Carolina was born on 15 June 1993 and is a Spanish professional badminton role player.

She is the present Olympic Champion, three-time World Champion, iv-time European Champion and the quondam World No one in BWF rankings for the women's singles.

Furthermore, she held the Earth No.1 title for a tape number of 66 weeks.

Additionally, her fast, active and mortiferous attacking plays are famous amongst the sports followers and her punch accuracy is good.

Carolina won Earth Champion in women's singles three times, winning in 2014, 2015 and 2018 and she won the starting time Olympics gold medal in women's singles in 2016.

She won the BWF Globe Championships for the third fourth dimension in 2018. Moreover, she is the first-ever female badminton athlete to have achieved this feat.

Wang Yihan

Wang Yihan - famous badminton player

She was born on 18th January 1988 in Shanghai.

The now-retired professional person started to play badminton when she was nine years old.

Wang Yihan got the rank of number one role player in the year 2009 and she won a silver medal in the 2012 Olympics.

In addition, Wang Yigan won the 2011 World Championship, 2006 World Loving cup in Asian Championships

She won the silver medal in the 2012 Olympics. Subsequently, she won the gold medals in the 2011 World Championships and 2006 World Cup. She as well won the Asian Championships in the years 2011 and 2013.

Li Xuerui

Li Xuerui - famous badminton player

She was built-in on 24 January 1991.

Li Xuerui has the record of winning fourteen super serial titles.

Above all, she held the world rank No.i for 124 weeks.

In the 2012 London Olympics, she won the gold medal in the singles event
and she as well won the Asian Championships in 2010 and 2012.

Ratchanok Intanon

Ratchanok Intanon - famous badminton player
Epitome Source:

She is a Thai player who was born on v February 1995.

Intanon became a world champion at the very young age of 19.

She won Inferior Title for the years 2009, 2010, and 2011 in a row.

Subsequently, the Thai player became globe no.i in Women's Singles and she is the starting time woman who accomplished this feat.

Tai Tzu-Ying

Tai Tzu-Ying - famous badminton player
Epitome Source:

Tai Tzu Ying was built-in on 20 June 1994.

She won the title of the Taiwanese Ranking Competition and she was only sixteen years former when she achieved it.

Moreover, she is the youngest no.1 in Taiwanese Badminton History.

Tai Tzu Ying won five Super Series titles consecutively in 2016 and 2017 and this Taiwanese role player is spontaneous and unpredictable.

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