past Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

IZH MP532 single stroke target rifle.

Role ane
Part two
Part 3
Role iv
Function 5
Part six

A history of airguns

This report covers:

  • UTG Micro Reflex doesn't fit
  • Millett dot sight
  • Dot sights
  • Sight in
  • The exam
  • Group ane
  • H&N Lucifer Light-green
  • H&Due north Finale Friction match Heavy
  • Best group
  • GunFun1 — this one'south for yous!
  • 25 yards
  • Summary

Today is an unplanned written report on the older IZH MP532 target rifler. Reader GunFun1 asked if I could shoot it with a dot sight. Then I'm doing that today and this is definitely the last written report I'chiliad doing on these two air rifles.

UTG Micro Reflex doesn't fit

I wanted to test it with the new UTG Micro Reflex dot sight, but with the 11mm dovetail adaptor installed in its clamping jaws the base of operations is likewise flat to fit down around the rounded top of the MP532 barrel shroud. That prevents both jaws from inbound the dovetails at the same time and of course that means y'all can't mountain that sight on this rifle. No problem, though, because I have other dot sights that do piece of work.

Millett dot sight

I recently tested the Beeman P3 with a Millett dot sight that came with the used pistol I purchased for the examination. It was a $200+ sight in its day, so it has enough of quality. And, best of all, the underside of its clamping base is rounded for rifle dovetails like these.

IZH MP532 Millett
The Millett dot sight went right on the 532 barrel.

Dot sights

Dot sights bring a couple things to the tabular array that nosotros demand to appreciate. First, considering they typically practise non magnify the target, you tin wear your everyday glasses. That means you can encounter both the illuminated dot and the target every bit good as possible. Dot sights likewise don't typically have the erector tube trouble that plagues scopes, so they don't droop. I didn't sight in at 12 feet similar I usually do with a telescopic. I sat down at 10 meters and fired the first shot, merely like I would if I were using open up sights. Information technology hitting the target backer board 4 inches below and two inches to the right of the aim point, which was the centre of the balderdash.

The adjacent dot sight advantage is they have large aligning intervals. Instead of 1/4-inch movements per click at 100 yards, they typically motility the dot a full inch or so per click at that distance. I'm shooting at 10 meters and so I take to accommodate about 10 times as many clicks, merely information technology yet is a lot less than I would have to practise with a scope.

Sight in

The showtime adjustment brought the next pellet upward a fiddling too high and a little to far the left of the aim point. One more than adjustment and shot number three scored a solid nine in the centre of the bull. And so I made it the first shot of the get-go 5-shot group.

The test

I'chiliad shooting v-shot groups off a bench at 10 meters with the rifle rested on a sandbag. I'm shooting the same 3 pellets that were tested in Part 6 last time. The first pellet up and also the i I sighted in with is the RWS Meisterkugeln Rifle, an 8.2-grain wadcutter.

I pumped the pump handle partially ten times to flex and warm up the pump loving cup and then once earlier pumping for each shot. I'1000 getting used to that with these rifles.

Group 1

Five Meisterkugeln Rifle pellets went into 0.264-inches at x yards when I sighted with the dot sight. Compare that to the 0.253-inch grouping I got from this burglarize when using a scope in Part 6.

IZH MP532 Meisterkugeln Rifle
V RWS Meisterkugeln Rifle pellets went into 0.264-inches at x meters when the MP532 was sighted with the Millett dot sight. That hole in the white at the upper left is sighter shot number ii. I left it in the picture to show how quick this dot sight gets on target. The next shot is in the 9 at the top left of the group.

That was a good start to the test. I felt this was going to be a groovy day.

H&N Match Green

The next pellet I tested was the H&N Lucifer Green wadcutter. In the last test with the scope 5 of these went into 0.224-inches at 10 meters. This time five went into 0.582-inches. It's the largest grouping of the test and I have no explanation of why it is then large. I didn't pull any of the shots.

IZH MP532 H&N Match Green
Five H&N Match Green pellets went into 0.582-inches at 10 meters. I accept no idea why. The four that are in the same pigsty measure 0.294-inches between centers, but that is nonetheless no excuse for this grouping.

H&N Finale Match Heavy

The terminal pellet I tested was the H&Northward Finale Match Heavy wadcutter. In the last test five went into 0.147-inches at x meters when the scope was used. This is also the pellet that fabricated a 0.072-inch group when shot at ten meters with the peep sight in Function v, after I figured out how the sight worked on the newer 532. Based on that I hoped the dot sight could as well exercise well.

Best group

I didn't look through the spotting telescopic for whatsoever of these shots, and fifty-fifty when I finished all five of them I didn't look. I just went downrange to retrieve the target. There, to my utter surprise, was a single hole in the bull through which five of the same target pellets had passed. Information technology measured 0.260-inches beyond the widest outside measurement and, when I subtracted 0.177 inches to remove half the pellet's width from each hole, I was stunned to see a 0.083-inch group! I thought "No Way," so I did the math again. I even measured the hole again to be sure. Then I photographed my phone to share with you what I saw.

IZH MP532 H&N Finale Match Heavy calculation
This is what I saw when I calculated the grouping size.

IZH MP532 H&N Finale Match Heavy
And this is the group. Five pellets went into 0.083-inches at 10 meters.

Practice y'all think what I said when I shot that 0.072-inch group back in Part five? I said, "If that isn't the smallest 10-meter grouping I always shot, it's certainly i of them. How much luck was involved? Probably quite a bit, but more testing will sort that out."

Well, today's exam is more testing and I gauge nosotros have sorted it out. These Russian target rifles really do shoot that well! It isn't just luck. Isn't that nice to know?

GunFun1 — this one'due south for you!

I may be the Cracking Enabler, but some of you guys are getting pretty good at information technology, yourselves. Hither is part of what GunFun1 said to me in the comments to Part 6.

"As you say information technology's obvious only sure scopes will piece of work on it. Information technology has a manufactory peep sight. Then really what was the purpose of the dovetail on this gun? I guess in the end what I'm saying is a dot sight would give a purpose to the dovetail. And I think it would actually make it be a overnice picayune plinker out at 20 yards or more with the dot sight.

"If I was thinking about buying a gun like your testing, for me it would go a dot sight and information technology would exist used at further distances. Otherwise, if that selection won't happen, so it would probably not end up in my easily."

I underlined sure portions of his comment for you to take special annotation. That is a cry for me to test this rifle at more than 10 meters if ever I heard 1. Well, he doesn't have to inquire twice!

25 yards

I backed upwardly to 25 yards, and of grade I used the best pellet, which is this H&N Finale Match Heavy. I shot at a x-meter pistol target because at that distance it looks about the aforementioned as the rifle target looks at 10 meters. I left the sight ready where information technology was at 10 meters. This time five pellets went into 0.529-inches between centers. That'due south neat and it's even better than I did with H&N Lucifer Greens at 10 meters.

IZH MP532 H&N Finale Match Heavy 25 yards
At 25 yards the 532 put v H&N Finale Lucifer Heavy pellets in 0.529-inches between centers.


We have now certainly learned more than about this air rifle than I have ever seen in impress. There may be a lot more than in Russian somewhere but not in English language, I remember. Once once again, these are scarce rifles everywhere and they are getting harder to find all the fourth dimension. I am so glad I got to test this for you. I hope you enjoyed the series.